IPSAT • The Identity Profile Self-Awareness Tool

How to Grow Your Self-Awareness + Lead Yourself Better


You must know yourself before you can lead yourself.

The IPSAT is a process designed to help people gain the maximum value from a journey of self-awareness. There are three primary differentiators in our process, and three primary outcomes.

The Identity Profile Exercise is part of the IPSAT onboarding platform that walks a user through engaging with five pre-IPSAT assessments designed to help them understand each of the five components of their identity. For personality we use the a version of the 5 Factor Model called 16Personalities. For strengths we use Clifton Strengths (formerly StrengthsFinder 2.0), to simplify and standardize the process we use a skills inventory and personal values inventory created for the IPSAT, and for passion we use a resource called MyPassionProfile.

Users don’t have to retake assessments they have already completed, and they don’t have to do this all at once. They can logout and return every few days or over a few weeks depending on their schedule.

The Self Awareness Exercise is simply a response to 25 statements that are designed to guide IPSAT users into a much deeper and more practical level of reflection on how well they understand their identity and reinforce the idea that the pre-IPSAT assessments are a means to a bigger end.

The response to these 25 statements is what produces a score out of 100 and puts the user in one of four stages of identity self-awareness. We are very open about the fact that the score can be helpful, but it is not the most meaningful part of the process.

The Self Authoring Exercise is the most important part of our process. It is a technique that emerged from the research of two psychologists, one from the university of Toronto, the other from the university of Texas. In a nutshell what their research shows is that writing about yourself, especially when the subject matter is important, actually changes where your brain stores the information and how you feel about it. The self authoring exercise in the IPSAT process guides the user through writing five identity statements. The metaphor we’ve found helpful is to think of self authoring like you were a translator responsible for capturing the most important information about yourself from the five pre-IPSAT assessment reports and translating the computer generated language into personalized statements that are meaningful to you and helpful for the people around you.

The first of the five self authored statements is an identity overview statement. This is 100 words or less explaining what happens when the five components of your identity work together in your life. This is a description of you at your best.

The second is a best contribution statement. This is 50 words or less that explains how you can add the most value to others and make your best contribution to a team.

The third is a developmental priority statement. This is 50 words or less explaining what part of your identity you need to develop the most now.

The fourth is a potential derailer statement. This is 50 words or less explaining how your identity predisposes you to self-defeating behaviors that could sabotage relationships or derail your influence with others.

The fifth is a vulnerable settings statement. This is 50 words or less explaining the situations or environments in which your potential derailers are even more likely to surface. We think if you know how your identity could work against you and where or when it is most likely to happen you’ll be better positioned to design a mitigation strategy.

After completing the IPSAT, users have a 75-minute conversation with an IPSAT coach to process more deeply what they’ve learned and how to apply it. Next, users are given an opportunity to engage with a tool that helps them develop a Self Leadership Action Plan, which includes an additional 60-minute coaching conversation upon completion.

The focus of the IPSAT has three specific outcomes:

First, the IPSAT experience gives people confidence and clarity about how they can add value to others and make their best contribution to a team.

Second, it will help them prioritize where they need to grow the most now.

Third, it will reveal the self-defeating behaviors that could sabotage relationships or derail their influence.

What’s included with the 8 Modules of this online course:


The 8 Modules.

Learn at your own pace and upgrade the quality of your life with our online course.

Big Idea in Brief
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Self-Awareness is a critical building block of emotional intelligence. Without it, regardless of your talent and training, you will under achieve. Self-awareness is not an end. It’s a gateway to effective self-leadership.

There are two dimensions of self-leadership and they hinge on the ability to tell yourself yes, and no. When you tell yourself yes, you build self-discipline. When you tell yourself no, you build self-control. The cumulative results at the heart of self-leadership, both in terms of self-discipline and self-control, will determine the quality and trajectory of your life. That’s why self-leadership is so important.

Learning Objectives
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‍In this video lesson you will learn:

  • The two triggers and dimensions of self-leadership
  • The implication of the time variable on the decision/action cycle at the heart of self-leadership
  • The relationship between In-the-Moment and On-the-Journey self-leadership
  • The Importance of Identity Self-Awareness and its connection with On-the-Journey self-leadership

Big Idea in Brief
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You can’t grow your personality like you can a strength or skill. The more you understand your preferences, the easier it will be to anticipate how you will respond to situations that take you outside your personality comfort zone. You can also get better at explaining your preferences to others. Your identity is complex and unique. No assessment can definitively and comprehensively explain who you are. Each component of your identity profile has a balcony and basement expression. The balcony side of your personality is you at your best. The basement side reflects self-defeating attitudes that can pull you down.

Learning Objectives
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‍In this video lesson you will learn:

  • The difference between type theory, trait theory and the impact of the Pigeonhole effect
  • The five research-based and biogenic dimensions of personality seen in every culture
  • The relationship between the Big Five and 16Personalities
  • The Balcony and Basement expression of Identity including personality

Big Idea in Brief
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You can’t grow your personality like you can a strength or skill. The more you understand your preferences, the easier it will be to anticipate how you will respond to situations that take you outside your personality comfort zone. You can also get better at explaining your preferences to others. Your identity is complex and unique. No assessment can definitively and comprehensively explain who you are. Each component of your identity profile has a balcony and basement expression. The balcony side of your personality is you at your best. The basement side reflects self-defeating attitudes that can pull you down.

Learning Objectives
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‍In this video lesson you will learn:

  • The basic brain science research for the strengths revolution
  • How talents can become strengths and why that matters
  • How the four strengths domains inform your contribution to a team
  • The ways your personality can energize your strengths

Big Idea in Brief
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The difference between your skills, personality and strengths can be summed up in one word: choice. A helpful formula in the skill building process is aptitude + deliberate practice + time = progress toward mastery. Skill building is driven by gaps we discover in our ability to perform a specific task. There is a difference between developing a skill because you need it to do your job, and because you need it to fulfill your purpose. You will go farther, faster in skill development when you choose to build on the natural momentum of the other aspects of your identity.

Learning Objectives
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‍In this video lesson you will learn:

  • How personality and strengths can supercharge the skill building process
  • The dangers of the Silo Effect and how to overcome them
  • The link between skill building and career planning
  • The important distinction between skill building for work and for life

Big Idea in Brief
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Your life is impacted by your values, even if you can’t explain what they are. Without clearly identified values we can find ourselves living life on autopilot. Values are like a compass because they point us toward what is important and meaningful in life. They are like guardrails because they set boundaries for how we pursue what is important. To become value-driven you must consciously identify the values that undergird your decisions and actions and consistently live by them. It is not possible to be truly value-driven if you can’t articulate what you believe is important.

Learning Objectives
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‍In this video lesson you will learn:

  • The power of explicit vs implicit values
  • The connection between personal values, social contagion, and self-control
  • Four life domains as primers for identifying personal values
  • Six principles for identifying, refining and living your values

Big Idea in Brief
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Passion provides the fuel needed for the rest of your identity profile to engage the issues you care deeply about. There are two streams of passion potential in everyone. The first stream is interest-based passions, things you do for fun. The second stream is issue-based passions, activities that bring a sense of purpose. Passion is evidenced by self-directed initiative to learn more about, engage in, and influence others toward interests and issues even when sacrifice is required. There are four domains of passionate engagement, Service, Justice, Discovery and Advocacy. Complex issues require passionate engagement from people in all four domains.

Learning Objectives
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‍In this video lesson you will learn:

  • The two streams of passion potential – interest and issue-based
  • The four levels of the passion pyramidHow passion uniquely connects with the rest of your Identity Profile
  • The four domains of passionate engagement and why they matter
  • The relationship between passion and self-leadership

Big Idea in Brief
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Doing an assessment won’t set you apart from others. It’s what you do with the information that sets you apart. You don’t understand your identity until you can explain it concisely using language that would make sense to anyone, even if they’ve never heard of the resources that helped you discover your identity. Others observe how you act and react, but they can’t understand why. You understand why you act and react the way you do but you can’t see how others perceive you. A byproduct of increased self-awareness is the self-confidence required to engage in healthy disclosure and invite feedback.

Learning Objectives
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‍In this video lesson you will learn:

  • How to move beyond doing an assessment to doing something with the assessment
  • The danger of the Silo Effect with assessments and how to overcome it
  • The important role of feedback in growing self-awareness
  • How to enlist feedback on your Identity Profile from four circles of relationship

Learning Objectives
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In the Intro Section of this video lesson you will learn:

  • Review the core ingredients of self-leadership
  • Explore the relationship between self-leadership and self-awareness
  • Connect the self authored statements of the IPSAT with On-the-Journey Self-Leadership

In Part 1 of this video lesson you will learn:

  • Reflect on the three variables of the Life Planning model
  • Understand the connection between destiny markers and passion
  • Explore how your personality, strengths and skills come to life when applied to areas of passion
  • Learn how passion fuels life purpose

In Part 2 of this video lesson you will learn:

  • Put career planning in the context of life planning
  • Reflect on the two critical questions that help you bring your best to work every day
  • Understand the unique way work contributes to personal growth
  • Build a plan to engage your boss (and team) as personal growth partners

In Part 3 of this video lesson you will learn:

  • Apply self-leadership skills to college life
  • Connect In-the-Moment and On-the-Journey self-leadership at college
  • Reflect on the Payoff Paradox as a self-leadership derailer
  • Learn how to make self-leadership actions habit forming

In Part 4 of this video lesson you will learn:

  • Put the gap between mediocre and extraordinary in daily perspective
  • Identify the Categories of Wellbeing that matter to you
  • Reflect on wellbeing indicators for each category
  • Build a self-leadership action plan that’s doable daily and extraordinary over time

Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t have to retake assessments you have already completed as long as you still have the results.

Yes, there are no hidden fees for the assessments, the IPSAT or the coaching.

Each Module has an interactive video lesson and Note Guide. Modules 2-6 include a specific assessment, Module 7 includes the IPSAT and a coaching session, Module 8 includes a final coaching session.

The videos utilize a proprietary technology that enables you to engage the content on your schedule but interact with others as if you were watching at the same time.

You will meet virtually with an experienced and certified IPSAT coach whose performance is monitored closely to ensure a high quality experience.

We suggest you complete the process in a few weeks. But you can proceed at your own pace and schedule. Just logout and login and you’ll come right back to where you left off.

The official IPSAT cost is $795 per person, however, as we have IPSAT certified coaches on staff at Scatter, we are able to offer it to you at the discounted price of $495.

Please do not let pricing deter you from engaging. Contact us if you need further assistance.

E-Course Pricing

Originally priced at $795, we are able to offer it to our Scatter customers for:


Use code Scatter Discount (case sensitive)

Note, once you have filled out the registration form you will proceed through Module 1 and then enter payment details before Module 2.

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