IPSAT • The Identity Profile Self-Awareness Tool
How to Grow Your Self-Awareness + Lead Yourself Better
You must know yourself before you can lead yourself.
The IPSAT is a process designed to help people gain the maximum value from a journey of self-awareness. There are three primary differentiators in our process, and three primary outcomes.
After completing the IPSAT, users have a 75-minute conversation with an IPSAT coach to process more deeply what they’ve learned and how to apply it. Next, users are given an opportunity to engage with a tool that helps them develop a Self Leadership Action Plan, which includes an additional 60-minute coaching conversation upon completion.
The focus of the IPSAT has three specific outcomes:
First, the IPSAT experience gives people confidence and clarity about how they can add value to others and make their best contribution to a team.
Second, it will help them prioritize where they need to grow the most now.
Third, it will reveal the self-defeating behaviors that could sabotage relationships or derail their influence.
What’s included with the 8 Modules of this online course:
The 8 Modules.
Learn at your own pace and upgrade the quality of your life with our online course.
Frequently Asked Questions
E-Course Pricing
Originally priced at $795, we are able to offer it to our Scatter customers for:
Use code Scatter Discount (case sensitive)
Note, once you have filled out the registration form you will proceed through Module 1 and then enter payment details before Module 2.