Cohort based learning

5 Reasons Why Learning in a Cohort Produces Great Results

You’ve probably heard a teacher or mentor say, “It is important to be a life-long learner.” Learning is something that we should be doing for the rest of our lives.

The question: Is there a more effective way to learn something?

The answer is obviously “YES!” But in reality, we all learn with different styles, methods & techniques. There is not one perfect learning method, but we believe that learning using a cohort model can & will produce great results.

Here are 5 reasons why learning in a cohort produces great results.


When you join a cohort, you immediately become part of a community. Your new community is based around shared goals or dreams. In the case of Scatter Coaching, each of our cohort members has a desire to take their profession overseas.

With a common end goal, cohort members share a similar focus and have related interests. They may share fears, challenges and aspirations. This leads to more open and honest discussion when participants know that their peers are on a similar journey and share struggles that they identify with.

Cohort Tip: One key to getting the most out of your new community is to intentionally interact. A few ways that you can build your cohort community are:

  • Ask great questions of other members
  • Comment thoughtfully on others work
  • Share your fears or concerns
  • Get to know each other outside of the cohort platform

Building a strong community of trust will help you get the most out of your learning experience.

Learning from each other

We believe in the concept that 5 brains are better than 1. When solving problems or trying to innovate, having multiple minds usually brings better results. Each person brings something different to the table.

Going through the cohort as a group allows participants to share their insight, ideas and suggestions with each other. This will allow for a richer learning experience. Your eyes will be opened to a different perspective. Even if you disagree with someone else’s ideas, it will challenge your thinking.

Cohort Tip: One key is to maintain a humble attitude that is willing to learn. If you “know it all”, the cohort model will be a waste of everyone’s time. Be ready & willing to listen to another person’s point of view. Try to understand.

In our cohort there are opportunities to share in live group sessions as well as on the discussion board. You will want to make the most of these opportunities to learn from others.

A very practical way that you can give to the cohort is when you have opportunities to critique each other’s work e.g. their resumes. This is the time to point out the positive aspects & also give some helpful feedback.

Cohort Tip: Focus your feedback on the concept or idea, not on the person.


Another beauty of the cohort learning model is diversity. Although participants of the cohort may have shared goals, they are all coming from different places and have different perspectives, experiences and backgrounds.

Our diversity will allow us to provide valuable insights that someone else may not see.

Our backgrounds, cultures, environments, families, etc… shape & impact our world view. Each person has something unique to bring to the cohort.

Sometimes diversity can make us uncomfortable. This is a good thing! We need to learn to be able to live & function with people who are different from ourselves. This is even more important for those looking to get a job overseas.

When you move into an international job, you will be surrounded by people that potentially think and live differently to you. This will be your new life. Learning to value diversity will be helpful in your new career.

Cohort Tip: Don’t just spend time with people who are exactly like yourself. Find people who are different from yourself & get to know them. Ask them intelligent questions.

Accountability & motivation

Most people need accountability when it comes to learning. Yes, there are some very self-disciplined learners out there, but having a structure usually helps people perform better.

Each cohort training course has a definite start and end date. Within the course there are deadlines for when modules need to be completed and work done. Going through the course as a cohort means that all students are kept to the same deadline. This provides motivation and allows one another to keep each other accountable.

Cohort Tip: If you are someone who struggles with procrastination or getting things done on time, try to find someone in the cohort who can help hold you accountable.

There is another form of motivation that happens in a cohort model. Perhaps it is called peer pressure or I like to call it “playing up.” When you surround yourself with people who are motivated and looking to achieve excellence, it raises your game.

No one wants to be the weak link in the group. Healthy peer accountability can motivate us to do our best work.


One of the most beneficial reasons for learning in a cohort is the ability for students to network. Making connections with others who are on the same path as them and who have shared aspirations can be very impactful.

Let’s take a look at a few practical examples of how Scatter Coaching networking can be beneficial.

  • Country connections – Perhaps one of the participants has lived in the country where you are interested in working. The one with experience can give some valuable insights and connections to help you in your process.
  • Industry connections – Perhaps there is a member in your cohort who is working in your same industry. You can share your valuable industry connections in order to help each other succeed.
  • Personal contacts – Sometimes you just “know a guy”.  Perhaps you know someone who can help one of your cohort members with a specific problem or next step in their journey
  • Professional development – You can easily share other programs & online experiences that have been helpful in your professional growth.

Cohort Tip: Try to find one person that you can help with a connection that will move them along in their process. 

As we said in the beginning, everyone learns differently! The cohort model will allow for a variety of different learning styles to have great results.

Equipping You for International Employment

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